Kick start your child's prosperous​ future by investing it with us

We are a team of principled individuals driven by a desire to deliver, we therefore impart and pass on such behavior to our students ensuring a quality calibre through out.

With a dedicated and enthusiastic team that is always up to performance you can rest assured that they will yield better results for your child.

We Pride ourselves in being the best at what we do

We start admitting children from the age of 2 - 6 years
We operate from 07H00 AM - 16H00 PM

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We accommodate children from all religious, cultural, ethnic, tribal and racial background within our neutral educational setting. 


We have established an environment that promotes a culture of team work, love and coexistence being fundamental principles in a child's future.

Helping each child find and follow their best learning path.

Life skills

problem solving

linguistical english

art & music

computer skills

Extra mural activities

Nestled in a quiet and tranquil environment that promotes concentration and facilitates for learning you can be sure that better prospects will be guaranteed. Our graphiti, illustrations and paintings have been guaranteed to stimulate the feeling of belonging and reciprocacity in children giving them  a sense of well being in our premises.

Meet our Principal

Learning is an active process

We believe foremost in the practicality of things, that one has to act in order to execute therefore we guide our students through the path of action in order to get things done. 

Help students set challenging goals

With each challenge you learn and become a better person therefore with more challenges you actively grow and become a better person with every degree of challenge it provides, which is another path we steer our children towards.

Give students positive reinforcement

Positivity goes a long way especially from authorities, which is why we practice the path of positivity and spread its sentiments throughout our school.

Work individually with students

We understand the value of individuality and that each and every of us is created differently. we therefore take the path of giving each student a tailor made teatment and approach in an educational setting